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Monday, May 20, 2013

Bye Bye 3rd Grade and Preschool: An Exit Interview

Another successful year of homeschooling is behind us!  It feels great to be done.  We have a really fun Summer to look forward to now!!

As I do every year, here is our "school year exit interview":

Millie - 3rd Grade

1.  What is something we did this year that you'll remember the rest of your life?

All the new friends I made.

2.  What is something that was hard for you at the beginning of the year, but is easy now?


3.  What was something you taught me this year?

I taught you a LOT about animals.

4.  What is something I could have done to make this year better?

Get a mammal to study

5.  What is something you really want to learn about next year?

Animal body parts and animal biology

6.  What do you want to be when you grow up?

A cattle farmer

Elise - Preschool

1.  What is something you are happy to have learned about this year?

My workbook

2.  What was your favorite part of school?

Working in my workbook

3.  What do you want to be when you grow up?

A rock star

4.  What is something you really want to learn about next year?


There you have it folks!!  I guess I'll have to get going on my plans for next year, and be sure to include a study on animal biology and princesses.  

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