Thursday, August 22, 2013

2013-14 Curriculum Week

School starts in a week and a half!  I'm not nearly as prepared as I usually am.  I guess it's all part of the new "relaxed Leslie"  ;)

The big change this year is that Elise will be doing kindergarten, which means I'll actually have to teach two kids!  Yikes!  I'm a little nervous.  I'm sure we'll get into a groove in no time, but until that happens, I'm stressing out about it a bit.

Here's what we're doing this year:

Millie - 4th Grade:

#1 Goal for Millie is to teach her independence.  I'd like her to take initiative and do things on her own.  Our curriculum choices reflect that.

Math:  Saxon 5/4.  It can be self guided, which is what I want.  I'll be completely available of course, but I really want her to start figuring things out for herself.

English, reading, spelling, computer, and writing:  Easy Peasy homeschool.  This is an entirely online curriculum.  It's much more rigorous than we've used before.  It'll be really good for Millie.

Science: Human body study though Guest Hollow.

History: American history 2 through Guest Hollow.

Elise - Kindergarten:

#1 Goal for Elise: To teach her how to read.

Math: Saxon K.

Reading and writing:  We'll start out the  year using worksheets I've printed from various sources on Pinterest.  After Christmas, I'll start her on All About Spelling.

Science:  We're going to do a bunch of really fun experiments and share them on

She's going to take a weekly class at Silverwood called Doodle Bugs, where she'll separate from me for 2 hours, and join other 4-5 year olds for a ton of fun!  They'll read stories, do art, and nature study.

We're also going to do unit studies about princesses, maps, safety (phone number, address, etc), animal habitats, and she'll do an animal report.

That about sums it up!

We're already overbooked with activities for the first part of the school year.  I'm not really sure how I let that happen, but I did.  We'll just roll with it  I'm not scheduling anything between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so we can take a few weeks to slow down, do service projects, and enjoy the Christmas season.

Go here to find out what other curriculum other homeschoolers are using!

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