Welcome to TwoCowgirls, the blog about our crazy life in Downtown Saint Paul!

Monday, February 28, 2011

While We're Sleeping

Bud and I love to sleep in.  We have a rule in our house that the girls aren't allowed to come out of their room until 7:00 AM.  Every morning at 7:00 sharp, Millie comes into our room to wake us up.  When it's Buds turn to get up with the girls, he fixes them their breakfast and comes back to bed.  The girls then entertain themselves until 9ish.  It's  a great system!  (It's a different story when I get up with them).
On Saturday, Millie decided to come up with a cure for Cabin Fever.  She colored pictures of great summertime scenes, and plastered them all over the fridge.  What a fun surprise to wake up to in the morning!  Elise helped too.  Apparently she drew an alien (?!).

My favorite one is on the bottom left (it got cut off in the picture).  It's a picture of a beaver dam, complete with labels ("dam", "a beaver cutting on a tree", and "a tree being cut by a beaver").

Last week at the office I updated the buyer and seller packets with new forms, so I ended up with a stack of blank-on-one-side paper.  The girls have been busy drawing for days now...

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