Welcome to TwoCowgirls, the blog about our crazy life in Downtown Saint Paul!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One Thousand Gifts, Leslie Style #1-100

In her book One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, Ann Voskamp invites her readers to embrace everyday blessings, and express gratitude for the life we currently have.  Inspired by this book, I have decided to start working on  my list of 1000 things that I appreciate in my daily life.  I am truely grateful for so many things!  Here goes nothing:

1) Sharp #2 pencils
2) Blank spiral bound notebooks
3) Warm breakfast with my girls on Sunday morning
4) A cup of strong coffee and cream
5) Reading the newspaper and looking through ads
6) Naps
7) Easter decorations
8) Chatting with my mom in the old farmhouse
9) Weekly coffee chats with R.R.
10) Warm air on my arms after a long winter of being covered up by long sleeved shirts
11) Millies generous heart
12) Conversations with Bud
13) Date night!
14) Girls night with SR, SM, & ML
15) Monopoly on the Playstation
16) Listening to Elises chatter
17) When Elise holds my finger up to her cheek
18) Sitting in the green grass when it first pops up in the spring
19) Listening to the creek at the farm
20) That my girls have a farm to play at
21) Lists and lists of lists
22) My warm condo
23) Walking to Macys
24) Our awesome library
25) The smell of the farmers market
26) Sewing clothes for my girls
27) Browsing for fabric
28) Kind and supportive inlaws
29) 1990's Alternative music
30) The smell of wood chips
31) Great memories from my childhood
32) The smell of antique cars
33) Having neighbors to say "Hi" to every day
34) Chatting with my mom on the phone
35) Awesome health insurance
36) The color green
37) Trying new recipes
38) Saving money with coupons
39) My online mom group - The Hive
40) The smell of damp concrete
41) Window displays at Christmas time
42) Watching Millie grow up into everything I'd hoped for her: Kind, creative, and healthy
43) My family tree
44) Antiques
45) Listening to my girls sing
46) Listening to Elise recite nursery rhymes
47) My secret family recipe banana cake
48) Candles
49) Crisp, clean sheets
50) Living so close to so many great parks
51) Living so close to great walking paths
52) Grainbelt Nordeast
53) Sweet sister in laws
54) A sister I can relate to
55) Two healthy nephews that the girls love
56) Shopping at Target
57) Bin Wine Bar
58) Live music with S.R. & S.B.
59) Connecting with old friends on Facebook
60) Piggy tails
61) The smell of lemon dish soap
62) Inspirational blogs
63) Coffee and chocolate
64) Laughing until my cheeks hurt
65) Living in a big city that feels like a small town
66) Toddler sillyness
67) Elise's fearlessness
68) My mom who gave up her career to stay home with us when we were kids
69) My dad who is so smart, and always explains everything from its origin
70) The smell of Aveda products
71) Goal setting
72) Business planning
73) Getting read to by Millie
74) Seeing what Millie is interested in learning about based on her library book choices
75) The view from our balcony
76) The smell of fresh air blowing through the windows in the spring
77) Looking through old pictures
78) Enjoying the company of my aunts B.D. & J.T.
79) Dreaming big
80) My carrot cake recipe
81) Menu planning
82) Budget planning
83) Singing loud in the car
84) A spotlessly clean house
85) Long drives
86) Easter dinner
87) The sharp inhale Elise makes when she gets really excited
88) Being woken up by excited girls in the morning when it snows overnight
89) Pussy willows
90) Living easter baskets
91) Forcing Forsythia branches in the early spring
92) Old brick buildings
93) Visiting the sweet baby farm animals at the zoo
94) Picnics
95) Getting catalogs in the mail
96) The smell of lemon scented pinesol mixed with fresh spring air
97) Living close to three really great museums
98) Reading daily out of Sarah Ban Breathnachs "Simple Abundance" book
99) Spotting bunnies in the wild
100) Receiving and giving homemade gifts

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