Welcome to TwoCowgirls, the blog about our crazy life in Downtown Saint Paul!

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Day In The Week Of...Friday

Co-op day!  Friday is our favorite day of them all.  This is the day we get together with friends and do something fun (and educational, of course).  This Friday was unique because Bud took the day off to spend with us!  He had to opportunity to meet our homeschool friends, which was nice for him.

Today (which, if you're looking on the date of my blog you'll notice that it's actually Monday.  I'm a few days behind on my blogging) we went to the Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota.  None of us had ever been there before. 

The kids listened to a lecture about raptors, saw up close a great horned owl, red tailed hawk, and Peregrine falcon.  Afterwards we took a tour of the facility, and saw a wide variety of their educational raptors.  Super cool.  We didn't get to see the "behind the scenes" areas because they didn't want to upset the birds. 

This was one of Millies favorite field trips!  Success :)

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