Welcome to TwoCowgirls, the blog about our crazy life in Downtown Saint Paul!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

DIY.org Club Meeting - An Adventure

 Today (a very small) part of our DIY club met up for a scavenger hunt adventure at the Mall of America.  The original plan was to meet at our house, have the kids navigate the train system to get us all to the mall, do *something* there, and then come back.  The plan was thwarted by a major construction project on our parking ramp, rendering us without parking spaces for all the cars.

So, a scavenger hunt, it is!  The kids received a list of items to find and photograph throughout the mall.  They managed to complete the entire list with only one minute to spare!  It was awesome!

Way to go DIY club!

Here are the pictures they took:

A plant
Something $100-200

Group Photo
Posing like a mannequin 
A sculpture

A thousand of something
Something a 1 year old would buy

Something an 85 year old would like
Something Christmas-y
Dress up in an outfit


With a security guard
In front of a ride
A picture of a picture

And of course, close ups of a D, I, and Y. 

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