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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Journey As A Girl Scout Juliette: Happy Birthday Samoas

Happy Birthday Samoas!

Today was a special Girl Scout meeting because we celebrated the 40th birthday of Samoas!  It was super fun to have a preplanned activity (I ordered the Birthday Party in a Box).

We started out by saying our pledges, and then the girls dug right in and started frosting their cupcakes.  Aren't they cute??  Of course, the girls had to eat one (well, two, actually.  He he).

They made the bracelets that were included in the kits.  While they crafted, Elise and I talked about Vi, and being kind and considerate.  We discussed rules for being kind, including smile, use sweet words, volunteer to help, give compliments, and be thoughtful.

We also talked about Zinni, and being a sister to every girl scout.  Elise made a cute crown showing girl scouts holding hands and being sisterly ;)

I read another chapter out of Elise's Journey into the Flower Garden book.  She loves these stories!  It seems that that's the only Daisy journey she'll complete in her 2 years as a Daisy.  I'm learning so much as I go along, and learning how to plan and do things differently.  I'm glad my kids don't mind (or know) when my organizational skills are lacking.  Ha!

While she did that, Millie and I talked about stereotypes for the "speaking out" portion of her aMuse journey.  We talked about common stereo types including "throw like a girl," "homeschoolers stay at home all day," and "kids don't like broccoli."  For her project, she's going to make a public service announcement about something she's passionate about (not sure exactly what it'll be yet), and post it to her YouTube channel for all the world to see.  

She also started researching foods for her cooking badge.  She's super motivated to complete this badge now, because she's going to be doing the food revue for 4-H, so the projects will intertwine a bit.  

That sums up our January meeting!  It was really fun!

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